2019 EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route Summer Photo Contest: Share the best pic of your cycle holidays with us
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to go on a week-long cycling holiday at the expense of EuroVelo? If your cycle holiday picture receives the most likes, this dream will become a reality and you will have the opportunity to explore EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route, the latest addition to the European cycling network.
To participate for a chance to discover one of the most important rivers in Europe, that crosses parts of France, Belgium and the Netherlands, just follow these simple steps:
- Mention @ecfeurovelo together with ALL of these hashtags #EuroVelo #EuroVelo19Contest when sharing the picture of your last cycle holiday on Instagram (only one entry per person)
- Make sure that your picture contains a bike!
If your photo respects the rules of the contest, we will share it on the EuroVelo Instagram account, tagging you back.
The most liked picture at the end of the contest will be the winner, and its author will be awarded a cycle tourist package along a section of EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route*. The available tourist packages will be proposed by www.dutch-biketours.com.
The photo contest will take place between July 10 (10am CET) and July 24 (10am CET), and the winner will be announced shortly after. The tourist package can be used until 30 September 2020. For any questions regarding the contest, please contact [email protected]. So prepare your camera and hop on your bike to capture the best cycling moments of your summer!

*Disclaimer: The person sharing the picture authorizes the European Cyclists´ Federation (ECF) to use it on social media, publications or for any other non-profit purpose. The author of the picture declares to be the owner of the picture property rights by sharing it with ECF. ECF keeps the right to consider any picture not in line with the purposes of the contest or inappropriate and to disqualify it. Any doubts on the way a picture acquired likes (´buying likes´ or similar) will result in disqualification. ECF only covers up to €600 of the value of the tourist package. Prices are subject to the season, extras, etc. ECF retains the right to not to award any price at its absolute discretion.
Author(s): Omer Malak