Contains the tracks of the whole stage, including well developed sections but also parts of the route under development or at the planning stage.
Contains only parts of the stage which are either developed, developed with signs or certified – i.e. sections that are ready to cycle.
Your contribution helps towards keeping these official GPX tracks up-to-date and freely available to download.
License & Disclaimer

These EuroVelo GPX tracks are made available under the Open Database License. While ECF and National EuroVelo Coordination Centers and Coordinators (NECCs) make every effort to ensure the tracks and their levels of development are both current and accurate, errors or outdated information can occur. The user is fully responsible for his or her own safety when making use of the tracks and for following national traffic rules and signing. Please download and read the complete disclaimer before using the tracks.

After leaving the vibrant city of Budapest, cycligsts meet the rural areas of Hungary, offering new landscapes and many opportunities to meet the friendly local population. The Hungarian part of the itinerary ends at the border with Croatia and Serbia, in the Duna-Drava national park. Before meeting up again in Belgrade, cyclists have the choice between the Croatian and the Serbian sections of EuroVelo 6. In Croatia, EuroVelo 6 runs past the Kopački Rit national park and the Phoenix City of Vukovar. In Serbia, the route takes you through natural parks and Novi Sad, the second city of Serbia.



Development status
  • Certified Section of at least 300 km that has successfully undergone the certification process in line with ECF’s European Certification Standard. It is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network
  • Developed with EuroVelo signs Developed route (see category below) with continuous signing along the route, incorporating EuroVelo route information panels.
  • Developed Route developed for cyclists and signed in line with the respective national standard (i.e. it is part of a local, regional or national cycle network). There must also be a website providing information to users. Developed route can be heterogeneous in terms of infrastructure: type of cycling infrastructure, surface, width, gradients, etc
  • Under development Route containing sections that require further development (e.g. stretches on public highways with high levels of traffic). Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Planning Undeveloped route with no detailed information publicly available on the Internet. The itinerary communicated is a proposal for the best possible option currently available. It may also contain dangerous sections. Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Public transport link


  • Natural Heritage
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Culinary Delights
  • Maritime Heritage / The Rhine / The Meuse
  • Other Point of Interest
  • Bus station
  • Train station
  • Mobility info center

Public Transport

Budapest Bus Station

Address: 1098 Budapest, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Ráackev Bus Station

Address: 2300 Ráckeve Kossuth Lajos utca, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Solt Bus Station

Address: 6320 Solt, Aranykulcs tér, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Kalocsa Bus Station

Address: 6300 Kalocsa, Malatin Tér 1., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Baja Bus Station

Address: 6500 Baja, Csermák Mihály tér, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mohács Bus Station

Address: 7700 Mohács, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Vukovar Bus Station

Address: Kardinala Alojzija Stepinca 3, Croatia

See the website for more information:

Ilok Bus Station

Address: Vladimira Nazora 8, 32236, Ilok, Croatia

Sombor Bus Station

Address: Franja Račkog, 25000, Sombor, Serbia

See the website for more information:

Apatin Bus Station

Address: Dimitrija Tucovića 129, 25260, Apatin, Serbia

See the website for more information:

Bačka Palanka Bus Station

Address: Dimitrija Tucovića bb, 21400, Bačka Palanka, Serbia

See the website for more information:

Novi Sad Bus Station

Address: Bulevar Jaše Tomića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

See the website for more information:

Ráckeve Train Station

Address: 2300 Ráckeve Kossuth Lajos utca, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Solt Train Station

Address: 6320 Solt Vasút u. 3, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Kalocsa Train Station

Address: 6300 Kalocsa, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Baja Train Station

Address: 6500 Baja, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mohács Train Station

Address: 7700 Mohács, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Osijek Train Station

Address: Trg Lavoslava Ružičke 2, Croatia

See the website for more information:

Vukovar Train Station

Address: Priljevo 2, Vukovar, Croatia

See the website for more information:

Novi Sad Train Station

Address: Bulevar Jaše Tomića 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

See the website for more information:

Vukovar Mobility Information Centre

Address: J.J. Strossmayera 15, Vukovar, Croatia

See the website for more information:

Belgrade Bus Station

Address: Zeleznicka 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

See the website for more information: