The route from Rajka to Mohács along the Danube river is known for its outstanding natural and cultural attractions. The Roman 'Limes' along the Danube, the fortresses of Komárom and Komarno, the natural landscape of the Danube Bend and the banks of the Danube in Budapest are all important heritage attractions offering visitors enjoyable diversions. The whole Hungarian section of the Danube is protected as a Natura 2000 Site providing endangered species with vital habitats, such as the famous Gemenc Forest.

Public Transport and Bicycles in Hungary

In Hungary, bicycles can be transported on almost all trains. The Hungarian railroad network is quite extensive and regional trains also reach many very small villages. Bicycles can be transported by train within Hungary for a small surcharge on routes marked by a bicycle icon on the timetable. Bicycle places are limited, and different rules apply to the different trains. Group bicycle transport (at least six bikes) should be planned and reserved at least seven days in advance. Only small bikes can be transported without an additional ticket. The fares also depend on the distance.

There are also several ferries available along the route (Szob, Vac). The timetables are only available in Hungarian ( The last ferry leaves early (8 pm), and the ferry at Szob does not operate in winter (it does not operate from 15 October onwards, see

See the green logos on the map and the 'Public Transport' section below the map for a list of train stations, bus stations and mobility information centers in Hungary along EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea!



Development status
  • Certified Section of at least 300 km that has successfully undergone the certification process in line with ECF’s European Certification Standard. It is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network
  • Developed with EuroVelo signs Developed route (see category below) with continuous signing along the route, incorporating EuroVelo route information panels.
  • Developed Route developed for cyclists and signed in line with the respective national standard (i.e. it is part of a local, regional or national cycle network). There must also be a website providing information to users. Developed route can be heterogeneous in terms of infrastructure: type of cycling infrastructure, surface, width, gradients, etc
  • Under development Route containing sections that require further development (e.g. stretches on public highways with high levels of traffic). Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Planning Undeveloped route with no detailed information publicly available on the Internet. The itinerary communicated is a proposal for the best possible option currently available. It may also contain dangerous sections. Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Public transport link


  • Natural Heritage
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Culinary Delights
  • Maritime Heritage / The Rhine / The Meuse
  • Other Point of Interest
  • Bus station
  • Train station
  • Mobility info center

National & Regional Information

Centre for Development of Active and Ecotourism

National EuroVelo Coordination Centre

The Hungarian National EuroVelo Coordination Center consortium leader is The Centre for Development of Active and Ecotourism (AÖFK), and the Hungarian National EuroVelo Coordinator is Miklós Berencsi. The other member of the NECC consortium are MAKETUSZ and the Department of Active Mobility of the Prime Minister's Office's State Secretary for Active Hungary.

+36 707022134

EuroVelo Hungary

The Hungarian website is structured similarly to the general EuroVelo website and focuses on the EuroVelo routes that cross Hungary: EuroVelo 6 EuroVelo 11 EuroVelo 13 EuroVelo 14 The website is still under construction; it will offer descriptions of each route daily sections and main attractions, as well as downloadable GPX tracks and links to useful external websites. Each day section will have its own specific page.

Hungarian Cycling Tourism Association

Hungarian Cycling Tourism Association is a member of the Hungarian National EuroVelo Coordination Center consortium. The association engages in national cycling developments and is active in defining and implementing cycling developments.

Train Information - Hungary

Bicycles can be transported by train within Hungary for a small surcharge on routes marked by a bicycle icon on the timetable. Bicycle carriage is also indicated by a similar icon, and bikes can be transported in the spaces at the end of each carriage. A request should be made for the transport of large numbers of bicycles at least one week prior to departure.

+36 (1) 3 49 49 49

Association of Szigetköz Tourism

The Association of Szigetköz Tourism in Hungary is the tourism manager of the Szigetköz island, providing information on the destinations, activities, culinary delights and more.

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Bookable Offers

Danube Experience by bike + boat / Iron Gate

@Austria @Croatia @Germany @Hungary @Romania @Slovakia

Come with us on an adventure-packed bike and boat tour through six countries and widely differing cultures that reveals the beauty of the majestic Danube river in all its glory. Discover natural spectacles, idyllic wine villages, endless expanses and breathtaking European capitals. In addition to scenic and cultural highlights, good food and a crew that caters to your every whim, guarantee that your cycling holiday will be a unique and unforgettable experience.

Danube Waltz by bike + premium boat

@Austria @Germany @Hungary @Slovakia

By bike + boat from Passau directly into the heart of the once glorious K+K monarchy. Look forward to three charming European capitals: the waltz metropolis Vienna, the coronation city Bratislava and Budapest. Enjoy unique river landscapes and regional specialities. On board our comfortable cruise ships you enjoy an exclusive atmosphere – in the spacious, convenient cabins as well as in the stylish outdoor area. This exciting bike trip will make your holiday unforgettable.

Danube Cycle Path - 3-Country-Tour

@Austria @Hungary @Slovakia

On this classic cycle tour you will experience the combination of nature along the scenic riverbanks of the Danube as well as the unique opportunity to visit the most important metropolis that lay alongside the Danube. Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest have an overwhelming history with genuine notions of the yesteryear. Nostalgia is combined with a deeply intriguing history along the ever-changing riverbanks of the Danube.

Danube Cycle Path | Passau-Budapest

@Austria @Germany @Hungary @Slovakia

Europe's most popular cycling route is located on the beautiful blue Danube: the absolute "cycling classic" from Passau to Budapest. In Austria, enchanting river landscapes with steep slopes, vineyards and countless sights await you. Wine taverns and inns invite you to linger. Special highlights are Vienna and Bratislava. Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, is the crowning glory. In between, you will immerse yourself in mystical alluvial landscapes.

Public Transport

Mosonmagyaróvár Bus Station

Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Királyhidai utca 44., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Győr Bus Station

Address: 9024 Győr, Hunyadi u. 14, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Komárom Bus Station

Address: 2900 Komárom, Szent László utca, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Esztergom Bus Station

Address: 2500 Esztergom, Simor János utca 16., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Szentendre Bus Station

Address: 2000 Szentendre, Állomás tér 1, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Budapest Bus Station

Address: 1098 Budapest, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Ráackev Bus Station

Address: 2300 Ráckeve Kossuth Lajos utca, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Solt Bus Station

Address: 6320 Solt, Aranykulcs tér, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Kalocsa Bus Station

Address: 6300 Kalocsa, Malatin Tér 1., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Baja Bus Station

Address: 6500 Baja, Csermák Mihály tér, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mohács Bus Station

Address: 7700 Mohács, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mosonmagyaróvár Train Station

Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Hild János tér 4, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Győr Train Station

Address: 9021 Győr Révai Miklós utca 2-4., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Komárom Train Station

Address: Komárom, 2900, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Esztergom Train Station

Address: 2500 Esztergom Bem tér 1., Hungary

See the website for more information:

Szentendre Train Station

Address: 2000 Szentendre, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Ráckeve Train Station

Address: 2300 Ráckeve Kossuth Lajos utca, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Solt Train Station

Address: 6320 Solt Vasút u. 3, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Kalocsa Train Station

Address: 6300 Kalocsa, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Baja Train Station

Address: 6500 Baja, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mohács Train Station

Address: 7700 Mohács, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Mosonmagyaróvár Mobility Information Centre

Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Magyar u. 9, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Budapest Keleti Train Station

Address: 1087 Budapest, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Budapest Népliget Bus Station

Address: 1098 Budapest, Hungary

See the website for more information:

Bike shop and service

Szenyor Bike shop and service Kossuth str. 16.

Rajka Train Station