Together, let's #RestartCycleTourism this summer!

Whilst the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has presented (hopefully short term) challenges for those companies working in the cycling tourism sector, it has conversely given a significant boost to cycling and cycle tourism. Over the coming weeks and months it is going to be crucial to build on this momentum and to ensure that temporary measures being introduced around Europe become permanent.

On the European level we are using the #RestartCycleTourism hashtag in relation to the various initiatives popping up to revive cycle tourism this summer, playing off the UNWTO #RestartTourism campaign.

Join the campaign and use #RestartCycleTourism as well! Get support in the planning of your cycling trip this summer by joining over 33,000 travellers in the EuroVelo Discussion Group.

Here are a few examples of the hashtag in use:

National campaigns and other measures to boost cycle tourism

On this page, we are collecting and sharing examples of national initiatives and other measures that have been taken to encourage cycle tourism this summer (to both public and professional audiences). Here are the main actions we have collected so far:

European Level

  • Re-open EU: Interactive tool providing the latest information needed by country to confidently plan travels in Europe, by the European Commission.
  • New EP resolution to support the EU’s tourism and travel sector and make it sustainable, by the EU Parliament.
  • We Are Europe campaign by the European Travel Commission and EURONEWS, with the #visiteurope movie, highlighting the unity of the European continent and inspiring connections and memories that stretch beyond borders through shared history, culture and nature.
  • UNWTO's Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism, calling for sustainability as the new normal.


  • Free Rail Pass offer for residents and free bicycle transport in trains until 31/12/2020 in Belgium.
  • "Welcome to my Garden" initiative in Belgium.
  • Free bivouac areas in Belgium.
  • How to plan a cycling trip? Learn all the tips on Pro Velo's website.


  • Summer Package: free ferry travel on all domestic ferries for cyclists and pedestrians during July and cheaper tickets for public transport in Denmark.
  • Approval of 20M DKK by the Danish government for the development of a junction network in Denmark, including a national survey of roads, path etc., the development of a national signing system and a digital platform, and the execution of pilot projects in selected municipalities.
  • Shelters: good way to wildcamp when practicing slow travel in Denmark. Be careful with social distancing as many people are using the shelters at the moment. Use when travelling.


  • #JeVoyageAVelo campaign in France, promoting the itineraries crisscrossing the country, addresses of cyclists-friendly accommodation, advice and a bike calculator to find the best cycling route.
  • Loire à Vélo train offering free bike transportation for cyclists between Orléans, Tours, Nantes and Le Croisic, from 4 July to 13 September. Each train can carry 50 to 83 bicycles.
  • Find out all about carrying your bicycle in the train in France.
  • Facebook group "Voyager à Vélo en France" for tips on planning a cycle holiday in France.



  • Vëlosummer 2020 initiative: 16 sections of state roads to be reserved for cyclists, local residents and buses in August 2020 in Luxembourg.
  • Move, we carry! initiative that allows free luggage transport for cyclists in Luxembourg.

The Netherlands

  • Fietsplatform is launching a campaign to give some extra attention to Fietsers Welkom (Cyclists Welcome!) addresses in The Netherlands. This quality label presents cyclists with a nice overview of places that offer them just that little bit extra!


  • #TurismoenBici campaign in Spain, encouraging cycling trips through the publication of detailed cycle routes and tips.

Planning a cycling trip close to home this summer: where to find GPS tracks?

When browsing the EuroVelo route pages, you will find many links to national or regional websites managed by the National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators (NECC/Cs), which provide downloadable GPS tracks. Not all NECC/Cs website allow to download GPS tracks, but hereafter is an overview of available up-to-date EuroVelo GPS tracks.

  • Austria: tracks of EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea, EuroVelo 7 - Sun Route, EuroVelo 9 - Baltic-Adriatic, EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail and EuroVelo 14 - Waters of Central Europe downloadable here.
  • Belgium (Flanders): look for your route and download GPS tracks (or the list of cycle nodes to follow) here.
  • Belgium (Wallonia): tracks of EuroVelo 3 - Pilgrims Route downloadable here, of EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea (Francigena) here and of EuroVelo 19 - Meuse Cycle Route here. Find all other itineraries in Wallonia here.
  • Croatia: tracks of EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea, EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route, EuroVelo 9 - Baltic-Adriatic and EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail downloadable here.
  • Cezchia: tracks of EuroVelo 4 - Central Europe Route downloadable here, of EuroVelo 7 - Sun Route here, of EuroVelo 9 - Baltic-Adriatic here and of EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail here.
  • Denmark: look for your route and download GPS tracks using the Naviki cycle route planner.
  • France: look for your route and download GPS tracks using France Vélo Tourisme's cycle route planner.
  • Germany: look for your route and download GPS tracks using Radtourenplanner cycle route planner.
  • Hungary: browse daily section pages on the Hungarian EuroVelo platform to download GPS tracks of EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea, EuroVelo 11 - East Europe Route and EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail.
  • Italy: look for your route and download GPS tracks using Bicitalia's cycle route planner.
  • Luxembourg: tracks of EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea (Francigena) downloadable here.
  • Norway: the detailed itineraries of Norwegian cycle routes can be found here, and it is possible to download the cycle routes as csv files.
  • Portugal: tracks of EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route downloadable here.
  • Republic of Ireland: tracks of EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route downloadable here.
  • Serbia: EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea can be followed with the Danube Competence Centre's app for smartphones.
  • Slovakia: tracks of EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea downloadable here and of EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail here.
  • Slovenia: tracks of EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route downloadable here, of EuroVelo 9 - Baltic-Adriatic here and of EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail here.
  • Spain: tracks of EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route downloadable here and of EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route here.
  • Sweden: tracks of Kattegattleden (EuroVelo 7 - Sun Route, EuroVelo 12 - North Sea Cycle Route) are downloadable here, of Sydkustleden (EuroVelo 7 - Sun Route, EuroVelo 10 - Baltic Sea Cycle Route) here and of Sydostleden (EuroVelo 10 - Baltic Sea Cycle Route) here.
  • Switzerland: get the ScheizMobil App to access all EuroVelo routes in Switzerland on your smartphone.
  • The Netherlands: tracks of long-distance cycle routes (LF-Routes) in the Netherlands are downloadable here.
  • United Kingdom: the detailed itineraries of british cycle routes can be found here.

Do you have detailed questions on how to plan your EuroVelo cycling journey in a specific country? Get in touch with your local National EuroVelo Coordination Centre or Coordinator! Find their contact details on this page.

Dashboard: European COVID-19 cycling measures tracker

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), in collaboration with its member organisations from all over Europe, have been collecting detailed information about the cycling measures taken by local or national authorities for the recovery after COVID-19 quarantine.

A few numbers in-depth:

  • Over 2,000 km of new cycling and walking infrastructure have been announced
  • More than 1,000 km are already rideable
  • In excess of 900,000,000 € have been allocated for cycling promotion

Explore the interactive dashboard to learn more about these measures including country and city rankings.

2020 EuroVelo Summer Photo Contest

This year, as part of the #RestartCycleTourism campaign, we want cyclists to explore their local surroundings and share the best picture of their cycle holidays along EuroVelo 15 - Rhine Cycle Route or EuroVelo 19 - Meuse Cycle Route. To participate, all you need to do is enter the contest via and share a photo with us on Instagram. The prize is a free cycling holiday package along a section of these routes! More info

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